Changes to Supported Employment Services Award

From 30 June 2023, there are changes to the Supported Employment Services (SES) Award.

Included are changes to:

  • minimum rates
  • classifications
  • supported wage assessments


Who the changes apply to

The changes apply to the Supported Employment Services Award (Award). This Award covers employees who:

  • work for employers who operate supported employment services
  • fit within the classifications in the Award.

Most employees who work for supported employment services employers are employees with disability.

The changes affect both existing employees and new employees hired from 30 June 2023.


From 30 June 2023, there will be new Grade A and Grade B classifications added to the Award. These are in addition to the existing Grade 1 – 7 classifications.

Grades A and B will apply to employees who:

  • because of their disability, are unable to undertake the duties or exercise the level of skill and responsibility of a job in Grades 1 – 7
  • are in a job that doesn’t fall into Grades 1 – 7
  • are in a job that requires a level of supervision and monitoring to accommodate the effects of their disability.


Grade A is a job that:

  • consists of a simple task or tasks of up to 3 steps
  • has steps that may involve using jigs, basic equipment or tools
  • is under direct supervision
  • has constant monitoring.

The minimum rate of pay for a full-time or part-time Grade A employee is $4.75 per hour from the first pay period starting on or after 30 June 2023.


Grade B is a job that:

  • consists of a simple task or tasks of more than 3 steps
  • has steps that may involve using mechanical or electrical equipment or tools
  • is under direct supervision
  • has regular monitoring.


The classifications in Grades 1 to 7 are also changing from 30 June 2023.

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