Winning Business

Learn how to pitch for contracts and manage them successfully with this free online course

Winning Business has been developed by the NSW Small Business Commission to help small businesses learn about pitching for contract work.

You should complete this course if you own, manage or work for a small business and are new to contracting.

The course will introduce you to contracting, which usually involves pitching for work and agreeing to sell under a written contract. Contracting gives your business more freedom to set the price and terms of the goods or services you are selling, but there can be pitfalls and costs for your business if you don't do your homework. The course content is relevant for contract work in both the private and public sector. The course covers:

  • Getting your business ready for contracting
  • Understanding your customer
  • Preparing your business pitch
  • Building a simple business proposal, including pricing and understanding risk
  • Getting the customer to agree with your proposal
  • Making a success of a contract with a new customer.

The course will take approximately 20-40 minutes, depending on the number of exercises completed, and you will receive a printable certificate upon completion. Click the button below to register and start the course.