Hiring Staff Tips

As a small business owner, it can be an exciting moment to consider hiring an employee. Although, it can also be a quite daunting one!

Luckily the Federal Government is offering two online tools to help businesses with the process of hiring an employee.

The Hiring employees checklist helps businesses understand the process of hiring staff and how to do so in compliance with Australian law.

The Hiring employees checklist will help you:

  • understand all mandatory government regulations and obligations when hiring
  • complete tasks in a logical order, such as:
    • assessing the impacts and costs
    • preparing your employee
    • paying your employee
    • superannuation and tax
    • records you need to keep

The Employment contract tool assists businesses with building a valid employment contract. The tool steps the user through a series of questions to generate a tailored contract covering employee pay and conditions.

The Employment Contract Tool steps you through a series of simple questions to generate a contract with clauses that cover employee pay and conditions.

Build an employment contract that:

  • meets employment obligations
  • is tailored to your business needs
  • manages employee expectations
  • protects your business.

The hiring employees checklist can be found here

The employment contract tool can be found here

For further information visit business.gov here