Exploring Retail Crime Trends: Impacts and Insights

The 2022 Australia and New Zealand Retail Crime Study is a game-changer for loss prevention specialists and the retail community. The study offers a contemporary academic and statistical analysis of current crime trends.


Cost of Retail Crime: 

The cost of retail crime to ANZ  $ AUD 
External theft  $2,292 million 
External fraud  $612 million 
Total external loss  $2,904 million 
Internal theft  $1,044 million 
Vendor fraud  $350 million 
TOTAL crime-related loss  $4,298 million 


Items Most Stolen: 

Retailer  Top Items Stolen 
Supermarket / Grocery / Convenience  



  1. Fresh meat 
  2. Facial creams 
  3. Tobacco 
Sports and recreation stores 
  1. Sports-related clothing 
  2. Smartwatch/fitness trackers 
  3. Footwear 
  1. Perfumes and fragrances 
  2. Facial creams 
  3. Make-up products 
Hardware Stores 
  1. Power tools 
  2. Non-powered hand tools 
  3. Batteries 
Apparel and fashion 
  1. Denim 
  2. Everyday basics 
  3. Fashion accessories tied with lingerie / intimate apparel 
Department store 
  1. Make-up products 
  2. Perfumes and fragrances 
  3. Sports-related clothing 
  4. Denim 
  5. Facial Creams 
Discount department stores 
  1. Make-up products 
  2. Tablets / iPad 
  3. Sports-related clothing 
  4. Connection devices (e.g. Bluetooth etc) 
  5. Fashion accessories