Hiring Junior Employees

Hiring Juniors

The retail and fast food sectors are some of the largest employers of junior employees in Australia.

With so many beautiful cafes and boutique stores within our LGA there is ample opportunity for our Junior workers to gain experience.

As an owner or manager, it is important to understand the extra requirements that need to be followed with hiring Juniors.

In NSW we are covered under the The Industrial Relations Act 1996 (NSW), the Industrial Relations (Child Employment) Act 2006 (NSW) and Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998 (NSW).

Some of the restrictions on Junior employees include:

  • Junior employees cannot work more than 4hrs on a school day
  • Junior employees must have a 12hour break between shifts
  • After each 4 hours worked, Junior employees must be provided a one hour rest break

There are more requirements, click the link below to view them all.