Register for a business profile with the form below.

Your business will be featured on our Advance Greater Cessnock Facebook page, Advance Greater Cessnock Website and eNews at the next available spot. You will also remain featured on our business profile directory.

Click here to see past businesses on our business profile directory!

Make sure you add plenty of photos to highlight the people behind the business and services you offer! 

Business Profile Form

  • FREE Marketing Opportunity! Be our special business in profile! Register for a business profile and share what makes you unique. Help us to demonstrate the diversity of our local government area's business community and celebrate its achievements. Contact us if you have any questions or need help filling in this form.
  • We will use the information you provide on this form to create an article-style profile, complete with your logo and one image of your choosing. Your answers can be as short or lengthy as you like; however, the more information you provide the more complete and engaging profile we can create.
  • Cessnock City Council will not reproduce any work protected by copyright without either a copyright licence or express authority to Council from the copyright owner regardless of it being in print, video or digital form. more information you provide the more complete and engaging profile we can create.
  • Please note that we can only offer this opportunity to a business whose primary place of business or address is located principally in the Cessnock Local Government Area.Please note that we can only offer this opportunity to a business whose primary place of business or address is located principally in the Cessnock Local Government Area.
  • Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
  • Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.