Jobs Forum2

On Tuesday 12th October, the Economic Development Team hosted their latest Cessnock City Jobs Forum online bringing together key players in employment, education, skills and training, and job active providers.

Job Active Survey data was shared by Cessnock City Council’s Economic Development Officer, Alena Pople, highlighting the issues the industry is facing in filling available positions, what training is needed in the Cessnock Local Government Area (LGA) and what can be done to get clients ‘Job Ready’.

Council’s Economic Development Team will facilitate further forums to continue to get the Industry working together to achieve the best outcomes for those looking for work in the LGA.

Market data and insights were shared by Karla Notman, the Hunter Region Employment Facilitator, which gave the group a basis for discussions around setting future goals and terms of reference for the group.

Liana Nadalin from the Department of Education and Training gave the group an overview of Skilling for Recovery Training Opportunities and was there to listen to the needs of the group to provide future funding.

All present in the online forum identified their top areas of focus which included:

  • Vacancy promotion
  • Youth Unemployment
  • Job placement and opportunities for all abilities
  • Increase and access to transportation
  • Ability and opportunity to upskill
  • Engagement with schools early. From Year 9-12 and profile job roles
  • Finding places for work experience is important
  • Building relationships with employers is effective. Small business/family business is a good target group
  • Ensure Council holds Jobs Forums for networking and information sharing as a group
  • We need employers to enable work placements, apprenticeships and jobs
  • Target issues such as perceptions with hospitality, low job security and perceptions in aged and disability care.

If you are a Job Active Provider or Transition to Work Provider and would like to be involved in this group focussing on the Cessnock LGA please email and we will include you in future Jobs Forums.

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