Type of News

Clothing and Laundry Allowance – Retail and Quick Service Sectors

Clothing and Laundry Allowance – Retail and Quick Service Sectors In conjunction with many other allowances that employees may be entitled to, ‘special clothing’ and laundry allowances can be confusing and often overlooked by businesses. In many instances, employers fall into the trap of believing that employees can simply claim such expenses on their tax…

2023 Australian Regional Tourism Convention

2023 Australian Regional Tourism Convention The 2023 Australian Regional Tourism (ART) Convention is a must-attend event for anyone who wishes to contribute to the future of regional tourism in Australia. The event is tailored for all sectors of the tourism industry. It is a great networking opportunity and forum to exchange ideas about ways to grow a…

First Nations Tourism Mentoring Program

First Nations Tourism Mentoring Program The FNTMP is a new, free mentoring program for First Nations tourism businesses across Australia, matching businesses with skilled and experienced mentors. We can support First Nations tourism businesses to grow and achieve their goals by connecting them with expert advice, tailored learning and access to culturally respectful industry specialists….

Winning Business

Winning Business Learn how to pitch for contracts and manage them successfully with this free online course Winning Business has been developed by the NSW Small Business Commission to help small businesses learn about pitching for contract work. You should complete this course if you own, manage or work for a small business and are new to contracting….

2023 Mayoral Scholarship Program

2023 Mayoral Scholarship Program Cessnock City Council’s Mayoral Scholarship Program is an initiative of Mayor, Councillor Jay Suvaal, that assists local residents financially to achieve their educational goals at TAFE or university. The objective of the program is to help residents of the Cessnock Local Government Area (LGA) advance their education and reach their full…

ATO announces changes to working from home deductions

ATO announces changes to working from home deductions If you plan to claim work from home expenses in 2023, make sure you check out the new changes that have come into effect. The biggest change to note is that workers are now required to keep more detailed records when working from home. Between 1 July…

Hiring Junior Employees

Hiring Junior Employees The retail and fast food sectors are some of the largest employers of junior employees in Australia. With so many beautiful cafes and boutique stores within our LGA there is ample opportunity for our Junior workers to gain experience. As an owner or manager, it is important to understand the extra requirements…

Applications to open for Council’s Mayoral Scholarship Program 2023

Applications to open for Council’s Mayoral Scholarship Program 2023 Cessnock City Council Mayor Jay Suvaal is delighted to announce the 2023 Mayoral Scholarship Program will open to applicants on March 1, 2023. Now in its 21st year, the program has awarded 235 scholarships to the value of $588,000. The program aims to assist students of the…

Future Leaders 2023

Future Leaders 2023 Future Leaders is a professional and personal development program which creates a network of confident individuals who will contribute to the future success of the Australian Wine Community. Anyone who works in the Australian Wine and Grape Sector is welcome to apply for the program. The program is open to a broad…

Fee Free Diploma of Viticulture

Fee Free Diploma of Viticulture Enrollment is now open for the Diploma in Viticulture through Kurri Kurri Tafe. The nationally accredited Diploma in Viticulture gives you the skills to manage a vineyard from cuttings to grapes. Gain the skills to manage pests and diseases, water systems and soil quality on a producing vineyard. Learn the…

New mandatory safety standard for non-refillable helium cylinders

New mandatory safety standard for non-refillable helium cylinders Do you stock or sell non-refillable helium cylinders? There are new safety standards coming into effect on 16 April 2023. Those in the industry have three months to comply. It is stressed that businesses begin to review their product lines to ensure suppliers and manufacturers are implementing…

Young Australian Tourism Export Council

Young Australian Tourism Export Council Young ATEC’s vision is to enhance the Australian Tourism export industry by faciliItating the education and development of the industry’s future leaders. Becoming a Young ATEC member is the first step in developing strong professional relationships, building corporate knowledge of the tourism industry and enhancing management skills. The Young ATEC…