Business Profile


Introducing Recollo, a pioneering pet safety solution, proudly serving pet owners for the past 2 years. Specialising in Pet ID TAGgs, Recollo offers a unique approach with no subscriptions, ensuring pet safety at a competitive fee.

What sets Recollo apart from its competitors is its commitment to simplicity and effectiveness. With Recollo’s FOMO Pet ID Tags, powered by innovative QR code-based technology, pet owners can rest assured knowing their furry friends are always protected, regardless of changing contact information or circumstances.

Located in our beautiful area of Laguna, Recollo thrives in a community of passionate animal lovers. This supportive environment not only fuels Recollo’s dedication to pet safety but also fosters a strong sense of connection with customers who share the same values.

But Recollo doesn’t stop at Pet ID Tags – it’s just the beginning. Exciting innovations are on the horizon, promising even more comprehensive solutions to keep pets safe and owners worry-free. With Recollo, the journey to ensuring your pet’s safety is seamless and hassle-free.

Join the Recollo family today and experience the peace of mind that comes with knowing your beloved pets are always protected.


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